Buddhist bibliography latest update
by Roger Garin-Michaud

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color code for difficulty levels
- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced or need tantric initiation

Warning : the symbol does not mean that these are necessarily new publications but only that they are publications newly included in this bibliography.

If you know of any one who can't read please do offer them a CD or DVD set (for Christmas or any other reason !)

Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Author), Thubten Chodron (Author), Bhante Henepola Gunaratana (Foreword), Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Wisdom Publications; First Edition edition (November 11, 2014) 1614291276
The Essence of Buddhism: An Introduction to Its Philosophy and Practice, by Traleg Kyabgon (Author), Sogyal Rinpoche (Foreword), The Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje (Foreword), Series: Shambhala Dragon Editions, Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: Shambhala; Reissue edition (November 11, 2014) 1590307887
Maya Yoga: Longchenpa's Finding Comfort and Ease in Enchantment, by by Keith Dowman (Author), Paperback: 110 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 16, 2014) 1500741264

- Abh = Abhidharma
- AOH = Acta Orientalia (Budapest)
- AN = Anguttara Nikaya
- BEFEO = Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
- CAJ = Central Asiatic Journal (Wiesbaden)
- CNRS = Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- DN = Digha Nikaya
- GOS = Gaekwad's Oriental Series Baroda
- HJAS = Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
- HR = History of Religions
- IAIC = International Academy of Indian Culture
- IATS = International Association for Tibetan Studies
- IHQ= Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta
- IsMEO = Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente
- JA = Journal Asiatique
- JAOS = Journal of American Oriental Society
- JAS = Journal of Asian Studies
- JBORS = Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society Patna
- JIABS = Journal of International Association of Buddhist Studies
- JRAS = Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, London
- JRCAS = Journal of Royal Central Asiatic Society (London)
- JTS = Journal of Tibet Society (Bloomington)
- KN = Khuddaka Nikaya
- LTWA = Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
- MB= Motilal Banarsidass publisher
- MCB= Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques (Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Chinoises) à commander chez Peeters
- MKB = Materialien zur Kundes Buddhismus, ed. Walleser, Leipzig & Heibelberg
- MN = Majjhima Nikaya
- NDDT = New Delhi reprint of Derge Tangyur
- OUP=Oxford University Press
- Peeters = Peeters Press, B.P. 41, Leuven 3000, Belgium
- RAA = Revue des Arts Asiatique Paris
- RCAJ = Royal Central Asiatic Journal (formerly JRCAS)
- RHR = Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
- SBE=Sacred Books of East
- SER = Serie Orientale Roma
- SN = Samyutta Nikaya
- SP = Sata-Pitaka Series
- SUNY = State University of New York
- TJ = Tibet Journal
- TP = T'oung Pao, Leiden
- TR = Tibetan Review
- Vin = Vinaya
- WSTB= Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde
- ZAS = Zentralasiatische Studien
