Education bibliography
by Roger Garin-Michaud
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Warning : the symbol does not mean that these are necessarily new publications but only that they are publications newly included in this bibliography.
- CliffsNotes FTCE: Elementary Education K-6, by Janet B. Andreasen, Lee-Anne Spalding, Enrique Ortiz, Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 1 edition (January 7, 2010) 0960499060
- CliffsNotes FTCE General Knowledge Test, with CD-ROM, by Jeffrey S. Kaplan, Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 2 edition (September 27, 2011) 1118018044
- CliffsNotes FTCE Professional Education Test, with CD-ROM, by Sandra Luna McCune, Vi Cain Alexander, Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 2 edition (December 27, 2011) 1118014723
- CliffsNotes GMAT Cram Plan, by William Ma, Jane R. Burstein, Carolyn Wheater, Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 2 edition (May 22, 2012) 1118134176
- CliffsNotes Praxis II: Mathematics Content Knowledge Test (0061), by Ennis Donice, Sandra Luna McCune, Paperback: 264 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 2 edition (February 7, 2012) 1118085558
- CliffsNotes SAT, Paperback: 552 pages Publisher: Cliffs Notes; 1 edition (March 27, 2012) 1118057589
- Kaplan GED: Complete Self-Study Guide for the GED Tests 2012, Caren Van Slyke, Paperback: 720 pages Publisher: Kaplan Publishing; 10 edition (December 14, 2010) 1607145901
- Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Biological Sciences 2012, Hardcover: 668 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 46 edition (December 13, 2011) 0768932823
- Peterson's Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Health, Information Studies, Law and Social Work 2012, Hardcover: 1944 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 46 edition (November 29, 2011) 0768932858
- Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Engineering & Applied Sciences 2012, Hardcover: 860 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 46 edition (November 8, 2011) 076893284X
- Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, The Environment & Natural Resources 2012, Hardcover: 480 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 46 edition (November 1, 2011) 0768932831
- Peterson's How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2012, Paperback: 816 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 29 edition (August 30, 2011) 0768932955
- Peterson's Four Year Colleges 2012, Paperback: 1624 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 42 edition (July 12, 2011) 0768932793
- Peterson's Master the GED 2012, Paperback: 888 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 26 edition (July 5, 2011) 0768932912
- Peterson's Master the SAT 2012, Paperback: 848 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 12 edition (August 2, 2011) 0768932947
- Peterson's Nursing programs 2012, Paperback: 608 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 17 edition (May 17, 2011) 0768932777
- Peterson's Private Secondary Schools 2012-13, Paperback: 1032 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 32 edition (January 10, 2012) 0768934370
- Peterson's Scholarships, Grants & Prizes 2012, Paperback: 984 pages Publisher: Peterson's; 16 edition (August 16, 2011) 0768932939
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