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Liens du Bouddhisme

pour consulter la liste complète des ouvrages traitant du bouddhisme en allemand, anglais, français, sanscrit et tibétain :

cliquez ici

pour consulter uniquement la liste complète des ouvrages traitant du bouddhisme en français :

cliquez ici

mes réponses à certaines questions posées

Vidéos bouddhistes sur le net

  1. Lama Thubten Yeshe - Introduction to Tantra part 1 (1h26mn) (en anglais)
  2. newHis Holiness the Dalai-Lama on Heaven and Hell (9mn) (en anglais)

fichiers bouddhistes audio à écouter sur le net

  1. newMantra of Avalokiteshvara (9mn 57s)
  2. newMantra of Avalokiteshvara shorter version (2mn 39s)
  3. newMantra of Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Throat singing version (4mn 05s)
  4. newMantra of Avalokiteshvara choral version (4mn 34s)

nouveaux sites francophones chaudement recommandés

  1. newBrahmajala sutta (traduction française par S. Billard)
  2. newce que le Bouddha a dit sur (traduction française par S. Billard)
  3. La Terre pure d'Amitabha
  4. L'Association France-Tibet
  5. astrologies chinoise et tibétaine
  6. L'Annuaire du Bouddhisme
  7. Autel chez soi (comment monter un)
  8. Buddhaline
  9. CCTD : Centre Culturel Tibétain Dzogchenpa (Nyingma Paris)
  10. Compassion et action pour le Tibet
  11. L'Eveil à Tours-en-Savoie (lieu de retraite pour petits groupes ou individuel)
  12. Centre Zen de la Falaise Verte (Ardèche)
  13. Glossaires du bouddhisme (répertoire des)
  14. Institut Karmapa (région PACA)
  15. Institut Vajra-Yogini (Toulouse)
  16. Le Blog de Janman sur Yahoo 360
  17. Kagyu Zamling Kunkiab (Paris)
  18. Monoroom (actualités de la culture khmère)
  19. Port@il du Bouddhisme
  20. Le rendez-vous du bouddhisme
  21. Sermons du Bouddha sur Wikisource (traduction française des principaux soutras)
  22. Tibet info
  23. la page Zen de Michel Proulx (Montpellier)
  24. Zen Occidental, un site d'Eric Rommeluère

si vous cherchez des livres sur le Bouddhisme

  1. ma "bibliographie bouddhique" (francophone)
  2. ma "Buddhist bibliography" (anglophone)
  3. Asian Rare books
  4. Bagchee associates
  5. Buddhists Texts Translation Society
  6. Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient A. Maisonneuve (francophone)
  7. Librairie de Dhagpo Kagyu (Dordogne, France)
  8. Motilal Banarsidass
  9. Otto Harrassowitz
  10. Paljor Publications (Distributeur de la "Library of Tibetan Works and Archives", nombreux textes originaux tibétains)
  11. Peeters Leuven 3000 Belgique (notamment pour les traductions par Etienne Lamotte)

Quelques articles sur Wikipédia et autres

  1. article "Bouddhisme" sur Radio Canada
  2. article "Puja" sur Wikipédia
  3. article "Sadhana" sur Wikipédia
  4. article "Bouddha" sur Wikipédia
  5. article "Gautama Bouddha" sur Wikipédia
  6. article "Bouddhisme" sur Wikipédia
  7. article "Theravada" sur Wikipédia
  8. article "Mahayana" sur Wikipédia
  9. article "Tantrayana" sur Wikipédia

un lien pour le développement durable

  1. Agora 21

quelques liens pour l'étude et la pratique du langage parfait : sanskrit

  1. pour afficher le script Devanagari dans votre navigateur internet (télécharger le logiciel)
  2. Pour tester l'affichage du script Devanagari dans votre navigateur internet (tester le logiciel après installation
  3. Alkhemy online Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  4. Bharati online Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  5. Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  6. Le dictionnaire Français Sanskrit (FRASKT) d'André Signoret
  7. Dictionnaire sanscrit français de Gérard Huet (INRIA)
  8. newDigital dictionaries of South Asia (UChicago)
  9. Monier Wiliams Sanskrit English digital dictionary (Koln university)
  10. Samskrt com
  11. Sanskrit- documents list

pour les sites web du Zen

  1. visitez ma nouvelle page Zen
  2. Dictionnaire du Bouddhisme Ch'an, du Zen et du Tao

Nouveaux sites web de centres bouddhistes anglophones

pour les débutants sur la voie du milieu

  1. about Lobsang Rampa and Theosophist movement
  2. 5starsAdvayavada Buddhism Infocenter
  3. (lots of Sutras translated into English)
  4. about Lobsang Rampa and Theosophist movement
  5. Advayavada Buddhism Infocenter
  6. Basics of Buddhism
  7. Buddha Dust
  8. Buddhism 2001 (Rudy Harderwijk Buddhism's website),
  9. Buddhist art : perfect proportions of a Buddha
  10. Buddhist channel
  11. Buddhist meditation training online
  12. Buddhist ressources on vegetarianism and animal welfare
  13. Free Dharma Books (What Buddha Taught network website)
  14. Dharma center locator
  15. new5starsDharmafarer (Translations of the suttas)
  16. Fundamentals of Buddhism
  17. 5starsGileht's Study of Buddhism (Nagarjuna)
  18. Gospel of Buddha
  19. Heritage Buddhist Trust
  20. Kalachakra Tantra home page (Rudy Harderwijk Kalachakra's website)
  21. newKaruna Asia
  22. Kotan (mapping the Tibetan World)
  23. 5starsJames Tan's Buddhist glossary
  24. Lam Rim Gom (Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio
  25. 5starsLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive
  26. Mahindarama e-Buddhist Education center
  27. Nibbana
  28. Noble Eightfold Path (The Way to the End of Suffering) by Bhikkhu Bodhi)
  29. 5starsRessources for the study of Buddhism, compiled by Dr Ron Epstein, Philosophy Department, San Francisco State University
  30. newSutta Central net
  31. Verses from the centre, Mula madhyamaka karika by Nagarjuna, translation by Stephen Batchelor, a must read for all beginners
  32. Vipassana Info
  33. What do you think my friend ? (writings on Buddhism)
  34. What is and isn't Yogacara

Free Tibet

  1. Free Tibet and You main site
  2. Free Tibet and You club on Yahoo
  3. Tibetlink
  4. newTibet Mirror
  5. Tibet online

Free Tibet and You web sites

nouvel URL pour le projet de statue de Maitreya à Bodh-Gaya

  1. Maitreya Project

quelques liens pour les personnes ayant un intérêt pour le sanskrit

  1. pour afficher les caractères Devanagari dans votre navigateur Internet
  2. pour tester l'affichage des caractères Devanagari dans votre navigateur Internet
  3. Alkhemy online Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  4. Bharati online Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  5. Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  6. Le dictionnaire Français Sanskrit (FRASKT) d'André Signoret
  7. Monier Wiliams Sanskrit English digital dictionary (Koln university)
  8. Samskrt com
  9. Sanskrit- documents list
  10. Spoken Sanskrit online dictionary

sites web de centres bouddhistes francophones

  • Centre d'Etudes Tibétaines de Montchardon (Kagyu-pa)
  • Centre Drikung Kagyu Rintchen Pal d'études et de méditation sous l'autorité spirituelle du Vénérable Lama Konchog Tharchin ainsi que France Himalaya Tiers-monde association par ce même lama.
  • Dorje Online Gallery (francophone et anglophone)
  • Le portail du Bouddhisme de Jean-Laurent Turbet
  • Little Tibet de S. Bars
  • L'Union bouddhiste de France
  • Samsara magazine du bouddhisme et des traditions asiatiques
  • sites humanitaires

    1. Tharjay
    2. nouveauTibetNet



    quelques URLs que je n'ai pas vérifiées

    1. Site about Avalokiteshvara
    2. Karuna Asia
    3. Taisho Tripitaka index (list of important Buddhist scriptures)
    4. Digha Nikaya index (text of some Buddhist scriptures in Pali, English and Sinhala)
    5. Lotus Net calendar of Buddhist events
    6. Tibetan and Chinese astrologies
    7. Jyasa Gyurme Samten Choling
    8. Butterfly (Buddhist ezine and texts)
    9. Ranjana Fonts (for writing Mantras)
    10. Tibetan photo projects
    11. Women active in Buddhism
    12. new Panchen Lama long-life prayer by HHDL
    13. The Huntington Archive of Buddhist art
    14. Buddhas of Bamiyan
    15. Buddhist Studies at RSCI
    16. World fellowship of Buddhist Youth
    17. Tibetan Buddhist Ressource Center
    18. Dharma teachings
    19. Evgeny Torchinov's website (Evgeny is Professor at the Department of Oriental Philosophy and Cultural Studies, St Petersburg State University, Russia)
    20. Fundamentals of Buddhism
    21. "Toward a Buddhist Philosophy of Science"
    22. Bodhi Web
    23. Kalachakra Warriors and their teachings in audio downloadable format
    24. What do you think my friend , ? (writings on Buddhism)
    25. Midwest Buddhist Information Center (Chicago area Buddhist centers)
    26. Asian Classic Release IV
    27. Ngawang Gelek's Buddhist Home Page
    28. Gyalwa Gyatso Buddhist Center, Silicon Valley USA
    29. Peace Stupas
    30. Christian Coseru's Buddhist resources
    31. Tengye Ling Gelug-pa tradition
    32. Vajrayana Foundation
    33. Access to Insight
    34. America Burma Buddhist Association
    35. Amitabha Foundation
    36. Ao Anh (Vietnamese)
    37. Arya Tara
    38. The Basic Teachings of Buddhism
    39. Bay Zen Center
    40. The Buddha's Teachings
    41. Buddhism forum at Miningco
    42. The Buddhist Door
    43. Buddhist Studies: Art Resources
    44. Cave of Milarepa
    45. Chozen-ji Kyudo
    46. Christopher Calder New Buddhism
    47. Culasunnatta Sutta
    48. Dai Bai Zan - Cho Bo Zen Ji
    49. Dharma: The Buddhist Web Site
    50. Dharma Haven
    51. DharmaNet International
    52. Dharma and Nirvana
    53. Diamond Way Australia
    54. The Eight-Fold Teachings
    55. The Electronic Bodhidharma
    56. Eleventh Panchen Erdeni
    57. Facets of Religion: Buddhism
    58. The Four Kinds of Buddhism Today
    59. Fundamental Buddhism Explained
    60. The Future of Buddhism
    61. Global Resources for Buddhist Studies
    62. Golden Lotus World Wide Web
    63. Hongwanji Buddhist Mission of Australia
    64. Introduction to Buddhism UK
    65. Insight Meditation Society Home Page
    66. Japanese Pure Land Buddhism 1
    67. Japanese Pure Land Buddhism 2
    68. Jhampa Shaneman Home Page
    69. KAGYU! Mailing list home Page
    70. Kagyu Shenpen Kunkyab in Geneva
    71. Karmê Chöling: Buddhist Meditation Center
    72. Korean Buddhism
    73. Metta
    74. Milwaukee Zen Group
    75. NCF Buddhism Home Page
    76. Nichiren DaiShonin Buddhism
    77. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
    78. On-Line Resource Guide to Buddhism
    79. Scholarly Resources for the Study of Buddhism
    80. A Sangha for the Skeptical Buddhist
    81. Schools of Zen Buddhism
    82. Shambhala World
    83. Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling
    84. 10 Bulls
    85. Tendai Open Buddhist Teachings
    86. Ubiquity Web Page
    87. Vajrayana Buddhist Center (Chicago)
    88. The Venerable Khandro Rinpoche
    89. Vipassana Meditation
    90. Vipassana Tribune
    91. Won Buddhism
    92. Zen At SunSite
    93. Zen Buddhism
    94. Zen Centers (USA)
    95. ZenSite Home Page
    96. Zen Web of Original Mind
    97. Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun
    98. Hetep House of Cosmic Consciousness
    99. Insight Meditation Society
    100. Buddhist Association United States
    101. Nichiren Shu
    102. Satori Home Page

    un site important

    Université Bouddhique Européenne

    le site ouaibe de l'Université Bouddhique Européenne est maintenant consultable

    et pour obtenir le programme des conférences, stages et cours vous pouvez

    leur écrire

    sites web bouddhistes en Afghanistan

    1. Arya Buddha

    sites web bouddhistes en Allemagne

    2. Deutsche Buddhistische Union
    3. Dharmapala Thangka Center (Bremen)
    4. Diamond Way (website hosted In Munchen Germany)
    5. Japanese Pure Land Buddhism 1 (Uni. Hamburg)
    6. Japanese Pure Land Buddhism 2 (Uni. Duesseldorf)
    7. newImproved online Sanskrit English Monier Williams dictionary (University of Koeln)
    8. M.B. Schiekel Buddhist homepage (Ulm)
    9. Tara Mandala
    10. Zen splitter

    sites web bouddhistes en Argentine

    1. Lama Tsongkhapa study and meditation group
    2. Nora Pezzani's site about His Holiness the Dalai-Lama

    sites web bouddhistes en Australie

    1. newA Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms ( download of this book in .pdf format offered by Buddhanet)
    2. newA Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms ( download of this book in zip format offered by Adelaide University Australia)
    3. Amitabha gallery (Australia)
    4. Buddhist Education Foundation (in Mandarin script only for the time being)
    5. Buddha's Village (Sydney)
    6. Buddhist Society of Western Australia (Perth)
    7. Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
    8. Chenrezig Institute (Eudlo, QLD)
    9. newDhamma Sukha (Melbourne)
    10. newDzogchen Community of Namgyalgar (Australia and Asia Pacific)
    11. newKacho Yulo Ling (Cairns QLD)
    12. newPanditarama (Sydney NSW)
    13. newQueensland Burmese Buddhist Association (Brisbane)
    14. newRigpa Brisbane
    15. Sakya Losal Choe Dzong - is run by the Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra.
    16. newTibetan Buddhist Society (Beaumaris, Victoria)
    17. newTibetan Buddhist Society (Brisbane)
    18. newTibetan Buddhist Society (Melbourne)
    19. newTibetan Buddhist Society (Perth)
    20. newTibetan Buddhist Society (Sydney)
    21. Kangaroo Island Buddhayatana (SA)

    sites web bouddhistes en Autriche

    1. Buddhismus Austria
    2. Buddhist Center (Salzburg)
    3. Kalachakra Graz 2002
    4. Practice of Mindfulness in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
    5. Thekchen Dho-ngag Choeling (Salzburg, Mahayana Sutra Tantra Dharma Center)

    sites web bouddhistes au Benelux

    1. centres bouddhistes au Benelux

    sites web bouddhistes au Brésil

    1. Bodisatva magazine
    2. Chagdud gonpa Odsal Ling Brazil (Sao Paulo)
    3. Kilaya (bilingual site)
    4. Dharma Net Brazil

    sites web bouddhistes au Canada

    1. Amazenji (Atlin, BC)
    2. Buddhism in Canada
    3. Buddhist astrology (Vancouver Island, BC)
    4. Cloud Rock (BC)
    5. Daruma (Rigaud, Quebec)
    6. Friends of the heart (Toronto, ON)
    7. newSea to Sky Retreat Centre (Whistler, BC)
    8. Shambhala World
    9. Vajra-Yogini practitioners web sites (Vancouver Island, BC)
    10. Yamantaka practitioners web sites (Vancouver Island, BC)

    sites web bouddhistes en Chine

    1. 4 Buddhist holy mountains in China
    2. United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship (Hong Kong)

    sites web bouddhistes aux Etats-Unis

    1. Access to Insight (Readings in Theravada Buddhism) (hosted in Brea, CA)
    2. Buddhist forum on Amazon
    3. newAsian Classics Institute of Los Angeles (hosted in Houston, TX)
    4. Gary Gach's annotated portal to online Buddhist resources
    5. About Zen (website hosted at Milpitas, CA)
    6. Bay Area Shambala (San Francisco CA)
    7. Elkira Buddhism page (unknown location)
    8. Bhavana society (WV)
    9. Buddha Dust (San Jose, CA)
    10. Buddha Nature Dharma Center. P.O. Box 591832. Houston, Tx 77259-1832
    11. Buddhist events in the USA (hosted in Provo, UT)
    12. Buddhist peace fellowship (CA)
    13. Carl Weaver North Carolina Buddhist directory (NC)
    14. Chagdud Gonpa, Junction City, CA
    15. Dagon Gaden Tensun Ling Tibetan Buddhist monastery (Bloomington, Indiana)
    16. Daibutsuji Zen Temple (Las Cruces NM)
    17. Desmond B. Chiong Buddhist bookstore (CA)
    18. (Milpitas, CA)
    19. Dhamma Kamala's blog on live spaces (Columbus, OH)
    20. Dharma Access Project (Buddhist prayers in Braille San Francisco CA)
    21. Dharma media ( Drikung Kagyu à vérifier)
    22. Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth (Berkeley, CA)
    23. Dechen Ling (Seattle, WA)
    24. Dharma Temple
    25. Diamond Way (website hosted In Munchen Germany)
    26. Dorje Ling (Jonang tradition, website in GA)
    27. Drikung (Orlando, FL)
    28. Engaged Buddhism
    29. E-Sangha
    30. Forest way Insight meditation center (VA)
    31. FPMT (main website)
    32. FPMT Radio (lots of teachings to download in audio format)
    33. Frederick Tibetan Meditation center (Drikung Kagyu) (MD)
    34. Garchen Buddhist Institute (AZ)
    35. Gardrolma Choling ( Drikung Kagyu Kettering, OH à vérifier)
    36. Gay men Buddhist Sangha (San Francisco, CA)
    37. Dr Hayes download page (university of NM)
    38. Honmon Butsuryushu Nichiren Buddhism (DC)
    39. Indiana Buddhist center (Indianapolis)
    40. Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy (although this is not per se a "Buddhist" website this text on Nagarjuna could be worth reading !!!)
    41. Investigating the mind (D.C.)
    42. Kagyu Changchub Chuling (Portland, OR)
    43. Kagyu Droden Kunchab, (San Francisco, CA)
    44. Kailash Zone Jangchub Ling ( Drikung Kagyu à vérifier)
    45. Kechara Paradise (Buddhist shopping website hosted in Newark, NJ)
    46. Kurukulla center (Gelugpa FPMT) (MA)
    47. Kagyu Shedrup Chöling (center in Hollywood FL)
    48. Karmê Chöling: Buddhist Meditation Center (Vermont)
    49. Karma Thegsum Chöling Karma Kagyu (Tampa Bay FL)
    50. Khandro cloudbanks of Dakas and Dakinis (SF, CA)
    51. Kunzang Palyul Choling, (Poolesville MD)
    52. Lam Rim Chen Mo MP3 files
    53. Lama Marut (hosted in Brea, CA)
    54. Libertynet (Tibetan Buddhist center of Philadelphia)
    55. Losel Maitri (Birmingham AL)
    56. Lotus Net calendar of Buddhist events (UT)
    57. Mahabodhi Net (LA, CA)
    58. Mahasiddha (San Diego, CA)
    59. Maitreya project (NY, NY)
    60. Mary Johnson web site (Nichiren Buddhism group in Traverse MI)
    61. Meditate in Chicago (IL) (a NKT center)
    62. Meditation Club (TX)
    63. Mindfulness in the workplace (MA)
    64. Mipham Rinpoche
    65. Nalandabodhi network of Karma Kagyu centers (WA)
    66. Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling (Ka'u HI)
    67. New York Buddhist Vihara
    68. Nun without borders (San Francisco CA but travelling worldwide)
    69. Nyingma Institute (Berkeley Hills, SF, CA)
    70. Osel Shenpen Ling(FPMT Gelugpa) (Missoula MT)
    71. Padmasambhava World Peace project (TX)
    72. Palyul (NY, NY)
    73. Philadelphia meditation center (PA)
    74. Quiet Mountain (unknown location)
    75. Red Lotus temple (Fairborn, Ohio)
    76. Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women (Honolulu, HI 96822)
    77. Shenpen Osel (Hawaii ???)
    78. Simhanada The Lion's Roar (website hosted at Milpitas, CA)
    79. newStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy articles on Buddhism (website hosted at San Jose, CA)
    80. Staten Island Buddhist Vihara(Theravada) (NY, NY)
    81. Tantra : weaving
    82. Tendai
    83. Tendai US (MN)
    84. Texas Buddhist stupa (TX)
    85. Thu vien hoasen (Vietnamese language website located in LA, CA, the English language section list Sutras for download from other websites)
    86. Tibetan Cultural Center (Gelugpa Bloomington IN à vérifier)
    87. Tsem Tulku (Website hosted in Philly)
    88. Turtle Hill (TN)
    89. Urban Dharma (Newark, NJ) (large section of Buddhist texts and calendars for download in pdf format)
    90. Vajrayana Buddhist Center (Chicago)
    91. Vipassana Foundation (Las Vegas, NV, offers a free Dharma Book)
    92. Visible Mantra (website hosted at Orlando, FL)
    93. Word of the Buddha (New York, NY)
    94. Yongey Peace Prevails (Phoenix AZ)
    95. Zen at University of North Texas (TX)
    96. Zen community (Boston)
    97. Zen dust

    sites en Finland

    1. Buddhalaisuus Suomessa (Helsinki)

    sites en France

    1. La Terre pure d'Amitabha
    2. Annuaire du bouddhisme
    3. Autel chez soi (comment monter un)
    4. newBactriane du Nord (recherches archéologiques en)
    5. Bouddha dharma (nouvel annuaire du bouddhisme par Seb Billard)
    6. Buddhaline (French language only for the time being) (Paris)
    7. CCTD : Centre Culturel Tibétain Dzogchenpa (Nyingma Paris)
    8. Dharma Ling (English and French languages) (France and Slovenia)
    9. Discours de Sa Sainteté le Dalai-Lama au Parlement Européen à Strasbourg le 24 octobre 2001
    10. newDarshan (quelques textes traduits)
    11. Centre Zen de la Falaise Verte (Ardèche)
    12. site web de Ganden Kacheu Ling (Marseille)
    13. site web du centre Kalachakra (Paris 75010)
    14. Site de Thierry Mollandin sur le Bouddhisme Shingon
    15. Musée Guimet (Paris)
    16. Kagyu Zamling Kunkiab (Paris for the time being both English and French versions of the web site)
    17. Centre Kalachakra (Paris)
    18. Librairie Kalachakra (Paris)
    19. newNalanda Monastery (Monastère du FPMT près de Toulouse)
    20. la page Zen de Michel Proulx (Montpellier)
    21. newSagesses Bouddhistes sur France2
    22. Sakya Sétchène Ling (67520 Kuttolsheim)
    23. Tibet Info
    24. Urgyen Samyé Chöling (Laugeral, Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère 24 290 Montignac-Lascaux)
    25. Institut Vajra Yogini (81500 Lavaur 40 kms NE de Toulouse)
    26. Zen Occidental

    sites web bouddhistes à Hong Kong

    1. Karma Kagyu Cyber world
    2. Chinese Buddhism (en écriture Chinoise)

    sites web bouddhistes en Inde

    1. Computer courses for Tibetans (Dharamsala Himachal Pradesh)
    2. Dzogchen monastery (Odeyarpalayam, Kollegal Taluk, Chamrajnagar District, Karnataka)
    3. Gaden Shartse Norling college (Mungod Karnataka)
    4. Jamyang Choling Institute (Dharamsala Himachal Pradesh)
    5. Lamayuru monastery (Ladakh)
    6. newRoot Institute (FPMT cente in Bodh-Gaya India)
    7. Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Bodhgaya District Gaya Bihar 824231, India. Tel: (91) 63-22-00-714 Tel/fax: (91) 63-22-00-548
    8. Shalin Craft (Gurgaon India)
    9. Tashi Lunpo monastery (Bylakuppe near Mysore Karnataka)
    10. Tibet Net (Dharamsala)

    sites web bouddhistes en Indonésie

    1. Kadam Choeling (Bandung)
    2. newWihara (traduction en Indonésien de quelques textes bouddhistes)

    sites web bouddhistes en Irlande

    1. newChagchen (Alex Wilding's site)

    sites web bouddhistes en Italie

    1. Il Dharma del Tibet
    2. Lam Rim Institute (Geshe Gedun Tharchin)

    sites web bouddhistes au Japon

    1. newDigital Dictionary of Buddhism
    2. Tendai Lotus

    sites web bouddhistes en Malaisie

      1. Buddhist Gem Fellowship Malaysia
      2. Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia
      3. Kagyu Asia
      4. Karma-Kagyu Dharma society Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
      5. Karma-Kagyu Dharma society Kuching Sarawak Malaysia
      6. Ratna Shri Malaysian Buddhist centers (pour apprendre à écrire le Tibétain)
      7. Saraha Buddhist society Johor Bahru Malaysia
      8. Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
      9. Venerable Dhammananda

    sites web bouddhistes au Mexique

    1. Casa Tibet Mexico
    2. Grupo Khamlungpa Guadalajara

    sites web bouddhistes au Népal

    1. Buddha Dharma International Foundation
    2. Dharma Arts and Crafts of Nepal (DACON)
    3. Kopan Monastery, Bodhanath Nepal
    4. newLumbini Interactive
    5. Ranjana Fonts (for writing Mantras)
    6. Shree Gaden Dhargyay Ling monastery (Pokhara)
    7. Tibetan nuns in Kathmandu
    8. newTriyana Dharma Sangha (Swayambunath Kathmandu valley)

    sites web bouddhistes en Nouvelle Zélande

    1. newAmitabha Hospice Service (FPMT Auckland)
    2. Enlightened Heart (Karma Kagyu)

    sites web bouddhistes en Pologne

    1. Buddyzm Wprost (Poland)

    sites web bouddhistes au Portugal

    1. Dharmanet Brasil liste des centres Bouddhistes au Portugal

    sites web bouddhistes au Royaume Uni

    1. newAncient India at the British Museum (London, UK)
    2. Ancient India and Iran Trust (Cambridge)
    3. Buddhist Education Foundation (UK)
    4. Buddhist Education Foundation Dharma texts (UK)
    5. Community of interbeing (Thich Nhat Hanh)
    6. Dechen
    7. Imperial college Buddhist Society (UK)
    8. Jayaravosphere webmaster of Visible Mantra USA (London, UK)
    9. Journal of Buddhist ethics
    10. Namo Amitabha website by Vincent Lai (UK)
    11. Nanavira Thera Dhamma page
    12. ULUBUDA : University of London Buddhist Association (UK)
    13. Vipassana

    sites web bouddhistes en Russie

    1. Russian-language association "Buddhism on the Internet"
    2. another Russian Buddhist website ?

    Buddhist sites à Singapour

    1. newCharitable Assistance Society Singapore
    2. Dro-Phen Ling
    3. Karma-Kagyud Singapore
    4. Lion city buddhism forum
    5. Nanyang technological University Buddhist society
    6. National University of Singapore Buddhist society
    7. Shangpa Online
    8. Temple of the Lotus (Site about Avalokiteshvara) (by Karma Migyur Dorje Singapore)

    sites web bouddhistes en Suisse

    1. Bouddha ch
    2. Jampel ling
    3. Rabten Choeling
    4. Rabten Foundation
    5. Rabten Mahayana Monastic University (site web en allemand)
    6. SBU : Schweizerische Buddhistische Union
    7. Zen Genève

    sites web bouddhistes à Taiwan

    1. newAmitayu (Chinese and English versions of this website)
    2. Marcus Bingenheimer at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College (super liste de traductions dans le projet BZA)

    sites web bouddhistes en Thailande

    1. newChieng Mai Dhamma Study group
    2. Kuisomchai's Buddhist monk's site in Thai language only for the time being
    3. Nanavira Thera Dhamma page

    sites web bouddhistes en Ukraine

    1. Dhamma wheel Kiev Ukraine

    sites web bouddhistes au Vietnam

    1. newBuddha Sasana by Venerable Binh Anson

    sites sur la médecine tibétaine

    1. newMédecine Tibet

    achat d'objets de rituels bouddhistes

    1. Buddha gifts
    2. Buddha realm
    3. Desmond B. Chiong Buddhist bookstore (CA)
    4. Dharma Arts and Crafts of Nepal (DACON)
    5. Exotic India Art
    6. newKechara Paradise (Buddhist shopping website hosted in Newark, NJ)
    7. Save Tibet Tea
    8. Shalin Craft (Gurgaon India)
    9. Snow Lion Publications (books and ritual objects)
    10. Tibet Spirit (encens, objets de rituel etc)
    11. Treasures from around the world

    autres sites web bouddhistes en attente de classement

    1. Zen Nature
    2. "Toward a Buddhist Philosophy of Science"
    3. Bodhi Web
    4. Dagon Gaden Tensun Ling Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Bloomington, Indiana, USA
    5. Kalachakra Warriors and their teachings in audio downloadable format
    6. Awakening Kindness
    7. Asian Classics Institute
    8. Asian Classic Release IV
    9. Charleston Tibetan Society
    10. Elkira Tibetan Buddhism page
    11. Ngawang Gelek's Buddhist Home Page
    12. Gyalwa Gyatso Buddhist Center, Silicon Valley USA
    13. Sambuddha British Columbia Buddhist website
    14. Jean-Laurent Turbet Bouddhisme page
    15. Peace Stupas
    16. Sparsabhumi (Christian Coseru's at the ANU Buddhist resources)
    17. Almanach in Japan
    18. Tengye Ling Gelug-pa tradition
    19. Vajrayana Foundation
    20. Vajrayana Foundation Hawai
    21. Zung.Jug.Ling Center - Le centre de Lama SHENPHEN en Grèce
    22. Site sur le Bouddhisme Mahayana et sur le Bouddha Maitreya de Djampa
    23. bouddhisme Theravada
    24. Shingon
    25. Le Village des Pruniers . Page sarana
    26. Théravada Birman lignée de S.N Goenka
    27. Dharmas Rings :
    28. Dharmaring/
    29. Edepot
    30. Forum Bouddhiste :
    31. Edepot

    Si vous souhaitez connaître les bases du Bouddhisme Théravada et lire quelques traductions (anglaises seulement) de textes de base visitez le site Metta

    Centres bouddhiques tibétains francophones

    1. site de Dekyi Pawo sur les centres bouddhistes francophones

    nouvelle adresse du site web !!!

    Dhagpo Kagyu Ling


  • Fog
  • Kagyu Dakshang Tcheu Ling et son mél : Christian Louis (vice président de KDT)
  • Karma Ling
  • Karmapa Trust
  • I Love Tibet (oui c'est bien un site français malgré le nom anglais)
  • Nicolas Tessier
  • plus une introduction générale sur le bouddhisme d'André Vellino
  • et enfin le site (site français)
  • vous pouvez également visiter le site du Vénérable Saddhânanda et de l'Union des Bouddhistes de Langue Française
  • ou bien le site Bouddha, Dharma et Cie
  • et également le site généraliste genevoix de Jérôme Ducor : Links Pitakas
  • pour ceux qui désirent avoir une influence positive pour le peuple tibétain, veuillez contacter:
  • Comité de Soutien au Peuple Tibétain

    3 rue Lavoisier bâtiment 3

    93500 Pantin

    fax. : 01-30-90-88-25

    e-mail :

  • Vous pouvez également aider les réfugiés tibétains en visitant le site de l'association Un dispensaire pour Dharamsala
  • Un site nouveau qui promet : Le Forum Buddhism à Miningco 



  • voici quelques liens récupérés chez Yahoo


    1. Aro Tradition - non-liturgical, non-monastic, Dzogchen based lineage of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma School. It emanates from Yeshe Tsogyal, the female Tantric Buddha.
    2. Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics
    3. Dechen Community, The - a federation of Buddhist centres founded by Tibetan Lama Karma Thinley Rinpoche in the UK.
    4. Dharma Haven
    5. His Holiness Kusum Lingpa - information regarding the Tibetan Buddhist Lama's visit to the San Francisco Bay Area in April '96.
    6. Jhampa Shaneman - Buddhist astrology, Thubten Choling, and background information.
    7. Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Centre - Meditation courses, Buddhist teachings, Tibetan medicine and therapy, and the Holy Island Project.
    8. Lama Surya Das - an American Lama in the non-sectarian practice lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
    9. Nava, Aureliano - The Middle Way - introduction to Buddhism, information on Shambhala Training in Los Angeles, meditation, and ecumenical dialogue.
    10. Ocean of Merit - Chinese Newsletter on Tibetan Buddhism. Links to Buddhist resources.
    11. Stupa Project at Rocky Mountain Shambhala Center
    12. Tibetan Buddhism
    13. Tibetan Buddhist Enlightenment - information, art, campaigns, centers, flags, magazines, organizations, projects, texts, and more.
    14. Tibetan Buddhist Resource - comprehensive links to Tibetan Buddhist centers, Tibetan arts & crafts, and educational file sources.
    15. Quotes From His Holiness the Dalai Lama
    16. Dhargyey Buddhist Centre of Dunedin - regular meetings and classes are held at the Centre covering Buddhist philosophy, meditation and practice, as well as Tibetan language. All classes are free and open to the public.
    17. Dzogchen Foundation - preserving the teachings of Dzogchen and transmitting them to Westerners in an accessible form.
    18. Enlightened Heart Meditation Center
    19. Gyuto Tantric University
    20. Karma Kagyu Thigsum Chokhorling - Buddhist study and retreat facility accepted by H.H. XV1 Gyalwa Karmapa as his New Zealand headquarters.
    21. Karmê Chöling - Buddhist meditation center founded by Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
    22. Ligmincha Institute - A resource for Buddhism, dzogchen meditation, Bon, teachers' biographies, and back issues of our quarterly newsletter, book reviews, and an order form for the books, tapes and practice materials that we sell.
    23. Milarepa Center
    24. Milarepa Fund, The - non-profit organization started by the Beastie Boys in 1994 to raise funds for helping the Tibetan people..
    25. Namgyal Monastery Online - info about monastery and the Institute of Buddhist Studies, plus other links, sounds, and images of a related nature.
    26. New Kadampa Tradition - to preserve and promote Buddha's teachings in a form suited to the Western mind and way of life - a new organization making an ancient tradition accessible to all.
    27. Nyingma Centers - founded by Head Lama Tarthang Tulku, a reincarnate master, the Center offers education through six non-profit institutions and service organizations.
    28. Padmasambhava Buddhist Center - devoted to the study and teaching of Tibetan Buddhism, and the preservation of Tibetan culture.
    29. Portland Shambhala Center - offers meditation instruction and practice in Vajrayana Buddhism and Shambhala training, as taught to western students by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
    30. Rokpa - presents the work of Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche in the fields of Tibetan Buddhism, humanitarian aid and therapy.
    31. Sakya Losal Choe Dzong - is run by the Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra.
    32. Shambhala - Buddhist meditation, creating enlightened society, and Shambhala Training (non-religious application of meditation in everyday life).
    33. Vajralama Buddhist Center - offering Dharma teachings and devotional practices in the Northwest for the general public and the committed practitioner.
    34. Vajrapani Tibetan Buddhist Center
    35. Dalai Lama [] - commemmorative stamp, speeches, teaching schedule, and more.
    36. Dalai Lama [] - Tibetans in exile.
    37. Dalai Lama Summer 1997 - visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Southern California, June 5-8, 1997.
    38. Kundun - a Martin Scorsese film on the life of the Dalai Lama.
    39. Nobel Prize for Peace: Acceptance Speech, Oslo, Norway, 1989 by Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet ........ transcribed by Jessica Brown, for Mountain Man Graphics, Australia, 2nd Day of (the Sou


    FPMT (c'est la page de la "Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition" qui donnait la liste des liens vers leurs centres, ci dessous)


    1. Amitabha Buddhist Center in Singapore
    2. Atisha Centre in Eaglehawk, Victoria, Australia
    3. Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal
    4. Instituto Lama Tsong Khapa in Pomaia, Italia
    5. Jamyang Center in London, England
    6. Kadampa Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
    7. Kopan Monastery, Bodhanath Nepal
    8. Kurukulla Center in Boston, Massachussets, USA
    9. Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel California, USA
    10. Maitreya Instituut, Ernst Netherlands
    11. Maitreya Project, Bodh-Gaya India
    12. Medicine Buddha Healing Centre, San Jose California USA
    13. Milarepa Center in Barnet, Vermont, USA
    14. Nalanda Monastery in St. Georges, France
    15. Osel Shen Phen Ling, Missoula Montana USA
    16. Root Institute, Bodh-Gaya India
    17. Vajrapani Center in Boulder Creek, California, USA
    18. Wisdom Publications in Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Home Page in London, England

    Bouddhisme Tibétain

  • Nyingma Centers
  • AMedia Tibetan Buddhist Files
  • Coombs Paper Archives -- Tibetan Studies
  • Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics Homepage
  • Shambhala
  • Snow Lion Publications
  • Gyuto Tantric Choir
  • Journal of Buddhist Ethics (Great links!)
  • Lama Surya Das
  • Dzogchen Foundation
  • Dhargyey Buddhist Center, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  • The Mind-Only Cafe
  • Quiet Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Page
  • Tsurphu Foundation Homepage
  • Thibet

  • World Tibet News Archive
  • The Office of Tibet - London
  • The International Campaign for Tibet
  • Tibet Online Resources Guide
  • Free Tibet
  • Tibetan Resources Directory
  • The Roof of the World
  • Tibet House - NY
  • Milarepa - Tibetan Freedom Concerts
  • Faces of Tibet
  • vous pouvez aussi visiter le beau site de

    quelques centres Gelug-pa

  • Kadampa Center - calendar, Kadampa Prayer Flag newsletter about Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Manjushri Center
  • Milarepa Center
  • voici une liste de centres Sakya-pa

  • Sakya Resource Guide - translations, holy days, teachings, news, art.
  • Sakya Losal Choe Dzong(canberra, australia)
  • Sakya Tenphel Ling
  • Sakya Phuntsok Ling
  • Sakya Thubten Dargye Ling(minneapolis, mn)
  • Sakya Centre(sydney, australia)
  • Sakya Chohpel Ling(sarawak, malaysia)
  • Sakyapa Nun's Project(australia)
  • puis une liste de centres Kagyu-pa

  • Drukpa-Kagyu organization
  • Diamond Way Buddhist Center - part of a network of 180 Buddhist centers practicing in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Vajra-Yana or Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Kagyu Droden Kunchab - Vajrayana Buddhism center. Includes articles by Kagyu-pa masters and event and membership information.
  • Karma Tashi Ling buddhistsenter - Kagyu-pa School center (in Norwegian).
  • Kagyu Changchub Chuling(portland, or)
  • Karmapa Trust Homepages
  • Karma Mahasiddhi Ling
  • Karma Triyana Dharmachakra(woodstock, ny)
  • Ringu Tulku Rinpoche(dumfriesshire, scotland)
  • Kagyu Samye Ling
  • Ocean of Merit
  • The Dechen Community(u.k.)
  • Chang Chub Ling/ Bodhisattva Institute,(tucson, az)
  • Drikung Kagyu Enlightenment Center
  • Drikung Kagyu
  • Karma Kagyu Thigsum Chokhorling,(new zealand)
  • Kagyu Droden Kunchab, (san francisco, ca)
  • Tsurphu Foundation and the 17th Karmapa
  • The Karmapa Lineage
  • puis enfin une liste de centres Nyingma-pa

    1. Dzogchen Foundation - preserving the teachings of Dzogchen and transmitting them to Westerners in an accessible form.
    2. Nyingma Centers - founded by Head Lama Tarthang Tulku, a reincarnate master, the Center offers education through six non-profit institutions and service organizations
    3. Dzogchen Lineages
    4. Nyingma Institute(tarthang tulku)
    5. Chagdud Gonpa, Junction City, CA
    6. Kunzang Palyul Choling, Poolesville Maryland
    7. Center for Dzogchen Studies
    8. Tashi Choling: The Retreat Center for Yeshe Nyingpo
    9. The Dzogchen Foundation
    10. Padmasambhava Buddhist Center
    11. Vajrayana Foundation
    12. Lotus Clearlight Buddhist Community (los angeles, ca)
    13. Shambhala International

    et finalement le lien vers le Namgyal Monastery : qui donne la liste de liens suivants

    1. Buddhist Studies Library
    2. Snow Lion Publications
    3. Missing: The Panchen Lama
    4. Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network
    5. Osel Shen Phen Ling Dharma Community
    6. Friends of Buddhism
    7. Gyuto Tantric Choir
    8. Zen Mountain Monastery
    9. Vajradakini Buddhist Center
    10. Drikung Kagyu Enlightenment Institute
    11. Dharma in Vancouver
    12. Tibet
    13. The International Campaign for Tibet
    14. The Endless Knot Project
    15. Tibetan Studies Library
    16. Home Page of Tibet (
    17. Free Tibet Home Page
    18. Brown University Students for a Free Tibet
    19. Oberlin Students for a Free Tibet
    20. Tibetan Women's Association
    21. Tibetan Resource Index (Canada)
    22. World Tibet Network News
    23. Virtual Tibet! (Japan)

    Autres Sites d'intérêt

    1. Limited Infinity
    2. The New Civilization Network-Server One
    3. Earth Echo

    ces liens sont valides à la date de conception de cette page (12/04/97), toutes mes excuses s'ils ne le sont plus lorsque vous les essayerez...

    Pour obtenir la liste des adresses des centres bouddhistes en France cliquez sur le lien : Adresses

    si vous souhaitez consulter une bibliographie bouddhique cliquez sur le lien, et vous obtiendrez la liste complète d'ouvrages sur le bouddhisme en français,

    si vous voulez la liste complète d'ouvrages sur le bouddhisme en anglais, français, allemand, sanscrit et tibétain cliquez sur le lien liste complète

    si vous désirez quelques informations sur les dates de l'histoire bouddhiste cliquez sur : dates importantes du bouddhisme

    pour en savoir plus sur les activités du Ministère de la Religion et de la Culture du Dalai-Lama ou si vous souhaitez aider les réfugiés tibétains cliquez sur l'entête ci-dessous


    Copyright © 1996-2014 Roger Garin-Michaud

    Dernière modification : 18 mars 2014

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