Microsoft Word 2007 Bibliography
by Roger Garin-Michaud

Warning : the symbol does not mean that these are necessarily new publications but only that they are publications newly included in this bibliography.

- MCAS Office 2007 Exam Prep: Exams for Microsoft Office 2007, by Ron Gilster, Paperback: 840 pages Publisher: Que; 1 Pap/Cdr edition (June 28, 2009) Amazon
- Microsoft Office 2007 For Seniors For Dummies, by Faithe Wempen, Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: For Dummies (July 27, 2009) Amazon
- Microsoft Office Word 2007 A Beginners Guide, by W. R. Mills, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: AuthorHouse (January 14, 2010) Amazon
- Microsoft Word 2007 Bible, by Herb Tyson, Paperback: 960 pages Publisher: Wiley (March 12, 2007) Amazon
- Excel 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies, by Doug Lowe, Paperback: 696 pages Publisher: For Dummies; 1 edition (February 5, 2007) Amazon
- Word 2007: The Missing Manual, by Chris Gover, Paperback: 522 pages Publisher: Pogue Press; illustrated edition edition (December 21, 2006)
- Microsoft Word 2007 Introduction Quick Reference Guide, (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated) Pamphlet: 2 pages Publisher: Beezix Inc (January 31, 2007) Amazon
- Word 2007 For Dummies, by Dan Gookin, Paperback: 432 pages Publisher: For Dummies (December 26, 2006)
- Teach Yourself VISUALLY Word 2007, by Elaine Marmel, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Visual; 1 edition (November 29, 2006) Amazon
- Microsoft Office Word 2007: Basic, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Crisp Publications (February 16, 2010) Amazon
- Microsoft Word 2007 for Beginners, by Doug and Robin Hewitt, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Champion Writers, Inc. (October 15, 2009) Amazon
- Microsoft Office Word 2007 A Beginners Guide: A training book for Microsoft Word 2007, by W. R. Mills, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: AuthorHouse (January 13, 2010) Amazon
- Microsoft Office Word 2007 Manual for College Keyboard & Document Processing, by Scott Ober, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Career Education; 11 edition (January 2010) Amazon
- Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 for Law Professionals Unveiling the Rules and Secrets of Legal Word Processing, by Patricia Gordon et al, Paperback: 206 pages Publisher: KAS Training & Development (December 23, 2009) Amazon
- Microsoft® Office Word® 2007 Step by Step, by Joyce Cox, Joan Preppernau, Paperback: 448 pages Publisher: Microsoft Press (January 31, 2007)
- Microsoft® Office Word® 2007 Inside out, by Katherine Murray, Paperback: 912 pages Publisher: Microsoft Press (June 20, 2007)
- Microsoft® Office Word® 2007 : Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, by Gary Shelly, Paperback: 808 pages Publisher: Course Technology; 1 edition (August 24, 2007) Amazon
- Office 2010: The Missing Manual, by Nancy Conner, Matthew MacDonald, Paperback: 800 pages Publisher: Pogue Press; 1 edition (July 15, 2010) Amazon
- Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Word 2007, by Faithe Wempen, Paperback: 1104 pages Publisher: Que; Special edition (January 6, 2007) Amazon
- Easy MS Word 2007, by Thong Ong, Paperback: 272 pages Publisher: AuthorHouse (May 13, 2009) Amazon
- Word 2007 Macros & VBA Made Easy, by Guy Hart-Davis, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (March 9, 2009) Amazon
- Word 2007 - REA's Quick Access Reference Chart, Paperback Publisher: Research & Education Association; First edition (November 11, 2009) Amazon
